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What is the difference between React and React Native?

Today, the software development landscape is ever-evolving, particularly with the advent of popular frameworks such as React and React Native. But what the difference between these two? What solutions are suitable to use in software development projects? And what is the right choice for a web or mobile development project?

React and React Native have been around for a few years and are becoming increasingly popular among software developers. Both frameworks are based on the same JavaScript library – React – with React Native being tailored for mobile development while React is used for building user interfaces on web applications. This similarity can make it confusing to determine which framework to use for a given project.

The primary differences between React and React Native are the type of applications they are used to create and the methods used to create them. React is geared towards building web applications while React Native is used for creating native mobile applications. On the other hand, while React uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for its development, React Native employs native elements instead, such as Java for Android applications and Swift for iOS applications.

In this article, you will learn more about these two frameworks, the major differences between them, and the advantages and disadvantages each bring. Furthermore, the article will examine various aspects of both approaches, such as architecture, development, and learning curve. Finally, we will provide some tips on how to determine which technology is most suitable for your web or mobile development project.


React and React Native are two distinct platforms that stem from the same origin, yet offer different experiences. React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces that runs in a web browser, while React Native is focused on building native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. While they share the same design language and much of the same code base, there are core differences that set them apart.
React is a JavaScript library used for creating user interfaces. It enables developers to render webpages with interactive elements that can respond quickly to user interaction, and is built on components that are light and easy to maintain. It’s a powerful tool that can help create beautiful and engaging webpages, and has become increasingly popular among web developers.
React Native is a tool used to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android. It is faster than building a hybrid application and offers direct access to the underlying device capabilities such as camera, touchscreen, and sensors. React Native uses the same design and code foundations as React, but compiles to each device’s native language, creating a truly native experience for users.
Using React and React Native together is an excellent way to build powerful and interactive mobile applications. By leveraging the strengths of both React and React Native, developers can create captivating and efficient mobile experiences in a fraction of the time.
In sum, React and React Native are two distinct platforms with many differences. React is used to create webpages, while React Native is used to build native mobile applications. Both are powerful tools used by developers to create engaging experiences for their users.

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Introduction of React and React Native

Introduction of React and React Native

React and React Native are both powerful tools for developing software applications that are suitable for a variety of platforms. While they are built on the same principles, they differ in terms of compatibility, development approach and complexity.


React is a JavaScript library that provides a way of building user interfaces for websites and web applications. It is used for creating interactive components, such as forms, buttons and menus, that can be incorporated into the website. It is compatible with a variety of technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX, and can be used for developing any type of web application.
On the other hand, React Native is a JavaScript framework that can be used for building native mobile applications for both Android and iOS. It is designed specifically for mobile development, and can be used to create apps that look and feel native on both platforms. React Native utilizes the same principles as React, but with different components, like StyledComponents and Unimodules, that allow developers to customize their app according to their requirements.

Development Approach and Complexity

Developing apps with React involves using an efficient, component-based approach that allows developers to create web solutions quickly and easily. It also comes with a number of features that make it easier for developers to manage code and keep their solutions up to date.
React Native, on the other hand, is more complex than React. It requires developers to understand the components specific to the platform they are developing for, as well as the device’s underlying structure. Additionally, developers need to configure the development environment correctly in order to run and debug their app. Despite the complexity, React Native can be used to develop apps that look and feel native on both iOS and Android.

Difference between React and React Native

  • React is used for websites and web applications, while React Native is used for mobile applications.
  • React is compatible with a variety of technologies, while React Native is specifically designed for mobile development.
  • React is easier to work with and does not require as much setup, while React Native is more complex.
  • React can be used to create interactive components, while React Native can be used to create apps that look and feel native on both iOS and Android.

Comparison of React and React Native


React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for creating user interfaces (UI). It is component-based, meaning that developers can build isolated, easily reusable and independent pieces of code to be used when creating an application. The main idea behind React is that it enables developers to create applications with an intuitive user experience by efficiently manipulating components in the User Interface. It is mainly used for creating single page and mobile applications. It can be used to build both modern web applications and complex native applications.:
Using React, developers can create dynamic and interactive UIs in an organized manner, reducing the development time and effort as well as the number of bugs in the application. React is also easy to learn due to the organized set of components and JS libraries. It helps developers create reusable components, which can be integrated even with third-party libraries like Redux or MobX, making the whole development process much easier.

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React Native

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is based on React, but each platform has a separate codebase – instead of using web components, it uses native components which interact with the platform OS. It provides a set of mobile components entirely written in JavaScript, such as views, ScrollViews or components for user inputs, that can be used both for Android and iOS.
React Native focuses on leveraging the performance of native application components – instead of the web components used in React. It allows developers to build apps with the same design and performance of a native app, using the same codebase for both iOS and Android platforms. It also provides an efficient way to build applications with various platforms, by allowing developers to share common API and platform components, and write the code once and deploy it on multiple platforms.
As a framework, React Native can be used for creating cross-platform mobile applications that will maintain the performance and high user experience of a native app. It offers support for both Android and iOS platforms, but can also be used to create Universal Windows apps, which allow developers to deploy on both iOS and Windows platforms using the same codebase.

Advantages and Disadvantages of React and React Native

What is React?

React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers. It allows developers to create large web applications that use data and can change over time without reloading the page. Traditional JavaScript libraries like jQuery and Backbone.js do not have a virtual DOM, but React does. The virtual DOM is a representation of the actual DOM. The virtual DOM live outside the web browser and helps to update the UI faster than the regular DOM by dealing with the mutable JavaScript objects.

What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering iOS and Android applications. React Native applications render using real mobile UI components, not web-views, and they are written using a mixture of JavaScript and XML-like syntax called JSX. It is built on top of the React library, and is mainly used for building mobile applications. React Native isn’t just a web wrapper of an application native code but instead, it is a completely different style of development. It makes the process of building native apps with JavaScript easier and more efficient.

Advantages of React and React Native

React has several advantages; it is easy to learn and use. It uses a declarative approach that makes it easier to use, and it also allows users to define events, add dynamic data to the DOM, and store a variety of top-level components. React also provides better rendering performance using the virtual DOM. Additionally, it uses a simpler component-based structure, which makes it more efficient to debug and maintain than other libraries like jQuery.
React Native also has advantages in terms of its flexibility. React Native developers can quickly create complex applications using the framework, and they also have access to native features such as vibration and other device specific features. Additionally, React Native also offers smoother animations and faster performance.

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Disadvantages of React and React Native

React has some disadvantages, mainly due to its complexity and the lack of experienced React developers. It’s also a difficult library to learn and may take some time to master. Additionally, React does not support all aspects of mobile development, such as access to hardware-level features.
React Native also has its disadvantages, including the lack of support for mature platforms such as iOS and Android, as well as the lack of 3rd-party libraries and tools. It also lacks optimized performance, as compared to native development, and it can be difficult to debug and maintain. Additionally, some developers may find the XML-like syntax of JSX difficult to use.


The world of web development has become incredibly fast-paced and ever-evolving. With the introduction of React and React Native, two complementary but fundamentally different solutions, developers now have more choices when developing for the web. So which one should you choose?
It really depends on the needs of your project. Each creation has its own sets of pros and cons that should be weighed and considered carefully. We suggest you follow our blog, as we’ll continuously update with the latest developments and releases in the React and React Native world.
Q: What is React?
A: React is an open-source JavaScript library used for creating user interfaces, specifically for single page applications. It helps to create reusable code with the use of components and presents a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) for managing application data.
Q: What is React Native?
A: React Native is a cross-platform framework used for mobile application development. It allows developers to reuse code written for web apps while still providing a native experience for users. It utilizes the same design principles and components as React.js for building mobile applications.
Q: What is the difference between React and React Native?
A: The main difference between React and Rxact Native lies in the platform on which they are built. React is meant for building web applications while React Native is designed for building native mobile applications. The code structure and syntax are nearly identical, but React Native has additional features like access to vibration, camera, and sensors.
Q: What languages do React and React Native use?
A: Both React and React Native use the JavaScript programming language. React Native also requires knowledge of the React Native-specific markup language, JSX.
Q: What are the benefits of using React or React Native?
A: React and React Native offer enhanced performance, code reusability, and easy maintenance amongst many other benefits. Both solutions lead to cost-effective, time-saving, and future proof mobile applications. Additionally, developers don’t need to re-write code for each platform as React Native can deploy code simultaneously on both Android and iOS.