How does React.js speed up the process in real time?
Technology has become an integral part of modern life, and with the advancements in web development it is crucial to deliver applications that are both robust and visually attractive. React.js is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook to provide developers…
How do I make a React app connect to a database?
The journey of connecting a React application to a database can be daunting. What options are available? How do you know which option is right for your project? How can you get the most out of your database? The need…
Why is React a library and not a framework?
When it comes to web development, the two terms that are often used interchangeably are React and Framework. Both of these tools have their own respective benefits that developers rely on, but the big question is, why is React a…
Which is the best backend for a ReactJS application?
If you’re looking to build a ReactJS application, you might be wondering what the best backend is for the job. From traditional platforms to cutting-edge options, there are countless possibilities for the ideal backend. But which one is right for…
What are some of the best React component libraries to try?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the multitude of React component libraries available in the market? Have you ever agonized over which one of them suits your use case the best? Is it worth investing focus on exploring existing React…
How do I build an app using ReactJS?
Building an app using ReactJS is no easy task. What tools do you need? Are there certain design considerations to be aware of? How do you ensure that you create a smooth user experience? These are the kinds of questions…
Should I use ReactJS + Redux for simple web application?
Have you ever considered using ReactJS + Redux to build a simple web application? Does this combination offer an effective and efficient way to create such applications? How much experience do you need to be able to build a web…
What is state in React JS and how to use it?
State in React JS has become one of the central questions for developers of contemporary web apps. Is it necessary to use state in React apps thoroughly in order to create a functioning, user-friendly application? Can state-free components be used…
How can you learn React JS in two days?
Are two days enough to grasp the main principles of React JS? Can you quickly and efficiently learn this JavaScript library and begin building applications? Is it possible to become a fully-fledged React JS developer within that time frame? Learning…
How to call another page in React JS?
<p>Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you have to figure out how to call a page in React JS? How can you ensure that the page you need is called correctly? Are there any tricks you can use?</p> <p>Calling other…