
ReactJS Website Development

Component Based

Why is React a library and not a framework?

When it comes to web development, the two terms that are often used interchangeably are React and Framework. Both of these tools have their own respective benefits that developers rely on, but the big question is, why is React a…

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How can you learn React JS in two days?

Are two days enough to grasp the main principles of React JS? Can you quickly and efficiently learn this JavaScript library and begin building applications? Is it possible to become a fully-fledged React JS developer within that time frame? Learning…

How to handle state and props in a React component?

Handling state and props with React components is a tricky affair. It takes a lot of practice to get it right and understand the nuances of how to implement it effectively in any application. One might ask: what is state,…

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How did React.js get so popular while being complicated?

It’s no wonder that many are left asking: how has React.js become so popular, considering its complexity? The underlying technology has garnered a great deal of attention due to its user-friendliness and effectiveness. But just why does React.js appear to…

How is ReactJS designed?

Have you ever wondered how ReactJS was designed? What factors were taken into account when creating it? How is it different from other web development frameworks? The creation of ReactJS was specifically in response to the increasing cost and complexity…

Is ReactJS a framework?

When it comes to front-end development, ReactJS is a name that frequently comes up. But is ReactJS actually a framework or is it simply a JavaScript library? Is there a difference between the two? And if ReactJS is not a…

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Do you enjoy using React.js?

Do developers get any satisfaction from using React.js? Is the process of writing interfaces with React really easier than other library or just the hype of the technology? How does React stand in comparison with other JavaScript frameworks? Undeniably, React.js…

What does the T in ReactJS represent?

The ever-growing popularity of ReactJS has prompted many to inquire into the background and implications of its acronym-like moniker. This article seeks to elucidate what the T in ReactJS represents. To accurately answer this, we must first understand why ReactJS…

What does it mean when they say that React is lightweight?

When it comes to web development, it is important to choose the right tools. One of the most popular choices for front-end development is React, but what does it mean to say that React is “lightweight”? Is being lightweight an…

How long does it take to create a React app?

Building software applications is a complex task that involves different techniques and tools. Among those tools, React app development has become increasingly popular for building modern web user interfaces. But how much time does it take to create a React…