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Will React die because of their controversial license?

With famous front-end framework known as React comes a controversial licensing agreement that is raising some serious debates. Do the restrictions of the React license threaten the viability of the framework? Are there practical implications to the current license holders? And what potential solutions are out there that could address this problem?

The React license, which is part of the JavaScript Library, has come under scrutiny recently due to its restricting of the commercial use of the framework and the implications of open source software generally. Traditional open source licensing agreements such as the MIT license, Apache license, or GNU General Public License (GPL) don’t have the same restrictions on commercial use of the software, which has enforced a change in attitude when it comes to developers using React (Thompson, 2018). This shift in dynamic has led to developers feeling like they have to pay additional licensing fees for commercial use, which is becoming a stricter requirement.

In this article, you will learn about the pros and cons of the React license, what the practical implications are for major stakeholders, and what potential solutions are out there that could address the issue. By researching the findings of industry experts and examining the impact the license has on various development projects across different sectors, we will evaluate the potential effects of the license and the potential for improvement.

React’s purpose as a library is to provide developers with a large number of features for building powerful, dynamic user interfaces that are simple and efficient. Whether as an open source platform or as a software development package, React has been able to distinguish itself by providing developers with an easy to use platform for developing their applications. Despite the strong support of its users, the React license is limiting its potential reach due to the policies surrounding it.

Definitions of React’s Controversial License

React is an open source software and JavaScript library used by developers for developing user interfaces. Its popularity has grown over the years, but recently its license has been controversial. This has led to questions about whether React might eventually die out.

A license is a legal agreement between the developer of a software and its users. It sets out the terms and conditions for the use of the software, such as who owns it, what rights users have, and who is responsible for any errors or other issues. The React license in particular is the three-clause BSD license, a variation of the standard BSD license.

The key elements of this license include: permission, which defines who can do what with the software; restrictions, which set out any limitations on the use of the software; and warranty, which specifies who is responsible for any accidents or malfunctions caused by the software.

The controversial part of the React license states that all contributors must sign a patent grant. This means that all contributors must agree to give away any patent rights associated with their contributions. This has caused some members of the software development community to balk, as it stands in contrast to the open source ethos.

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While it remains to be seen whether this license will prove to be a deal-breaker for React, it’s clear that it needs to be addressed. If not, the popularity of the software could potentially be hampered. For now, only time will tell whether React will survive this controversy.

The Pros and Cons of React’s Controversial License

The Pros and Cons of React’s Controversial License

React, a JavaScript library owned by Facebook, recently switched from an open source license to a more restrictive license called the BSD+Patents license. This new license has stirred controversy over whether it will weaken the open source software ecosystem or not. In this article, we will take a look at the pros and cons of this new license, along with its implications for React and the open source software community.

The Pros of React’s License

The primary advantage of the BSD+Patents license is that it provides more legal clarity than the previous open source license that React was under. This provides better security for both developers and companies using React, as it protects them from potential patent infringement lawsuits. The license also encourages developers to contribute to React, as the license includes a patent grant which increases the amount of legal protection provided to React contributors.

The Cons of React’s License

The main issue with React’s new license is that it may impact the open source community. By creating patent grants, the license could prevent companies from creating products that are similar to React, while also discouraging developers from using technologies such as React for fear of patent infringement. Additionally, the new license allows Facebook to take back a contributor’s patent grant if they violate the terms of the license, which could limit the amount of innovation that is possible in the open source codebase.

Potential Impact on React

The potential impact of React’s new license depends on how developers, companies, and other stakeholders in the open source community respond. If developers and companies can find ways to work around the restrictive terms of the license, they may be able to continue using and contributing to React without any major disruptions. On the other hand, if developers and companies decide to turn away from React due to its license, it could have a major impact on the library’s future.


Only time will tell if React’s new license will have a positive or negative impact on the open source community. If developers, companies, and other stakeholders are able to find ways to work around the restrictive terms of the license, it may allow open source software to continue progressing. However, if developers and companies turn away from React due to its license, it could damage the open source community. Either way, React’s new license has already sparked a great deal of discussion in the open source community, and it will be interesting to see how it affects the open source software ecosystem in the coming years.

Examining the Potential Implications of React’s Controversial License

What is React?

React is a Javascript library developed by Facebook that is used to build user interfaces. It is used for creating reusable components for web applications. React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in use today, and it has been credited with much of the success of such applications as Instagram and Airbnb. React is designed to be used with other libraries and frameworks, such as Babel and Redux.

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The Controversy

In 2017, React introduced a new license agreement that was met with controversy. The license in question is called the BSD + Patents license, and it is essentially a combination of two different licenses: one requiring that all software associated with React is open source, and one granting Facebook an exclusive patent license for any software that is created using React. The problem is that there are potential implications of this license that are unclear.
First of all, React’s license does not specify what happens if a company wants to terminate the BSD + Patents license agreement. There are questions about how the patent rights will be enforced, especially in cases where React is built into a larger application. Additionally, the license does not specify who is responsible for the upkeep of the patents that the license grants Facebook. This could potentially limit the ability of developers to experiment with React and build upon it.
Finally, there is the concern that the 10-clause license may be too difficult to understand, and could potentially lead to legal conflicts. Companies who are not familiar with the details of the license may not know the full extent of their obligations under the agreement. This could potentially lead to companies overstepping their bounds and being sued by Facebook, or even being prevented from using React in the first place.
Given the potential implications of the BSD + Patents license, it remains to be seen how it will affect the longevity of React. It is clear that the license has raised some serious questions and concerns, and many developers and companies may be hesitant to use React because of it. Only time will tell whether this controversy will ultimately lead to React’s decline or continued success.

Exploring Alternatives to React and its Controversial License

React, a popular JavaScript library created by Facebook, has grown in popularity due to its ease-of-use and powerful features. However, in recent years, the React team has come under fire for their controversial license, which has caused a rift between developers over which libraries can and cannot be used within a React project. In this article, we will explore the implications of this license and the potential alternatives to React.

React License Controversy

The React license, which is known as the “BSD+Patents” license, has been widely criticized due to its restrictions on the use of certain libraries within a React project. This has caused numerous developers to steer away from React as a result of the perceived legal implications of the license. The license mandates that any software project deriving from React must grant Facebook “world-wide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable patent rights” on any patents owned. This means that any company using React must grant Facebook a license to use their patents, regardless of the project’s success or failure.

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Potential Alternatives to React

The heavy legal burden of the React license has caused many developers to look for alternative solutions for their projects. Developer Aurelio De Rosa has provided a comprehensive list of alternatives, which includes popular library Vue, and library alternatives such as Vanilla JS, Hyperapp, Preact, and Svelte. He considers them to be good alternatives to React both in terms of features and license. On the other hand, Chris Coyier suggests that developers might be better off sticking with React, while exploring alternative ways to build upon React components.
Overall, React’s license has been a point of contention in the development community, and has caused developers to look at potential alternatives. However, in the end, it will ultimately be up to each individual developer to decide what works best for their project.


As React continues to develop in popularity with its new releases, the question of its license has become the focus of the web developer community. React, with its potential for increased ease and speed in developing projects, has been a valuable tool for many developers. Its recently announced change of license, however, has raised the question of whether the benefits of React still outweigh potential dangers. Will React’s controversial license result in its eventual death, or can it rise above to become a platform of choice?
In this ever-changing world, the only way to answer these questions is to wait and see what the future holds. Be sure to follow our blog for the latest news and updates on React. With so much uncertainty, the only advice we can give is to stay informed and make the right decisions when the time comes.
To ensure your success with React, we have compiled the following FAQ:
What does this new license mean for React?
The new license introduces a number of restrictions that developers must abide by in order to use React. This may require certain changes to any projects leveraging React and could limit its potential availability.
Will React become obsolete for other frameworks?
React’s new license should not impact compatibility with other frameworks, though it may reduce the overall versatility of React. It is important to note that this situation may change over time.
Will React be free to use?
Yes, React will still be free to use for most applications, though additional licensing requirements and fees may be necessary for certain uses.
Will changes made to the license impact productivity?
Yes, the changes to the license may affect productivity in some cases, as developers may have to take additional steps to conform to the license.
What should I do if I need help understanding the license?
We advise that developers read and understand the license before using React. If necessary, consult legal counsel to ensure that the intended use of React is compliant with the license.