
ReactJS Website Development


Why doesn’t GitHub use react js?

Can GitHub benefit from implementing React into its platform? Could this provide users with an improved experience or better tools? Or should they continue using the current technologies?

GitHub is one of the most popular software development and version control services. Major tech companies have been utilizing the platform since its inception in 2008. Despite its success, several issues have arisen in recent years concerning the platform. Reports suggest that the platform has been lagging in terms of performance and scalability, leading to a poor user experience. React JS has been cited as an ideal solution for improving user experience, scalability, and performance on numerous web development applications. In order to improve the user experience, GitHub should consider adding React JS to its lineup.

In this article, you will learn about the advantages of using React JS on GitHub. You will understand the core benefits of using React JS, such as improved scalability and performance, and how it could help GitHub reach wider audiences. We will also look at some of the challenges that could arise in the implementation of React into GitHub’s existing tools, such as refactoring existing code as well as making sure the platform is properly tested before launch.

React is a powerful, open-source JavaScript framework used for developing user interfaces. It offers a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create modular, reusable code. The reactivity of its components makes creating complex web applications easy and fast. Additionally, React allows for better code maintainability and offers significant performance benefits. With the help of React, GitHub could optimize its existing applications and provide faster, more performant experiences for its users.


React JS is a JavaScript library which is used for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers. React JS can help developers build interactive user experiences by creating individual components which can easily be reused. This is done by using JSX, a JavaScript syntax extension, for writing components which can then be used React for the purpose of building user interfaces.
GitHub is an open source code sharing and collaboration platform, founded in 2008, which is used by millions of developers around the world. It is a popular choice for hosting source code, versioning, and managing code changes. GitHub is not reliant on any particular technology, but its main focus is on helping developers easily share and collaborate on code.
At the same time, React has become a popular choice for building web applications due to its ability to create highly reusable components. React and GitHub are, in essence, complementary technologies. While React is used for constructing UIs, GitHub is used for tracking and managing code changes. As such, GitHub is not reliant on React or any other particular technology for its functionality.

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Benefits of React.JS

Benefits of React.JS

React.JS is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is highly efficient and maintained by Facebook and its community. Since its launch in 2013, it has gained immense popularity for its features and capabilities. Here are the benefits of using React.JS.

Easy to Learn

One of the main reasons why developers love React.JS is because it is easy to learn and understand compared to other technologies. Developing a UI with React.JS requires just the basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. The developers can easily learn its syntax with no complex terms.

Efficient Rendering

React.JS uses a virtual DOM which makes the rendering easier and faster. It also makes the updates of UI instantly, which increases its performance. An efficient speed is essential regardless of the browser or type of device used for a web application.

Code Reusability

With React.JS developers can create reusable components. These components are stored in a library and once saved, they can be reused by components of other applications in different programming languages. Different components are utilized to create a highly organized interface.

SEO Friendly

Google and other search engines prefer SEO friendly platforms. React.JS can help developers create faster websites with improved performance. It can also effortlessly make an interactive website with better user experience.

Live Development

React.JS can quickly help developers to spot any bug in the coding. It helps them to easily make necessary changes and identify any errors in the code. This feature is really helpful for those developers who build applications with several components.

Third-Party Plugins

The developers don’t have to create plugins from the ground up while using React.JS. It provides plenty of third-party plugins which help to quickly build a highly interactive interface.
The list of benefits React.JS provides is endless and it makes using it very convenient and dependable. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, developers can be assured of creating an efficient and secure web application.

Drawbacks of React.JS

What is React.JS?

React.JS is a JavaScript library designed and developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It uses a component-based approach to create the view layer of web applications and interfaces. React.JS helps developers create a single page application (SPA) and allows them to write components that are reusable and testable. It is mostly used for developing application-level user interfaces with high performance and speed.

Drawbacks of React.JS

Although React.JS is a powerful and popular library, there are some drawbacks that can limit its effectiveness. First, React.JS is only a view layer library, which means that developers must use other libraries or frameworks such as Flux to create an entire application. This can add complexity to the development process.
Second, while React.JS is blazingly fast, it can become sluggish when dealing with large amounts of data. This makes it difficult to handle large amounts of data efficiently. Furthermore, React.JS also has high memory usage, which can lead to slower performance. Finally, React.JS does not provide any official support for unit testing, which can make it difficult for developers to ensure their application is properly tested.
In conclusion, while React.JS does offer many advantages, there are some drawbacks that must be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to use it for application-level user interfaces. For these reasons, GitHub has chosen not to use React.JS for their projects.

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GitHub’s Alternative Options

GitHub is an American company that provides hosting for software development and version control using Git. Though GitHub is primarily known for the open source software development platform, it also provides services such as bug tracking, task management, feature requests, and change management on its website. There are various reasons why GitHub may not have opted to use React JS.

React JS is a Front-End Technology

React JS is a front-end technology which means that it is used in the presentation layer of a website. GitHub, while offering various user-facing features, is primarily a back-end framework. There is no requirement or need for it to use React JS in its operations since all of the software development, version control, Git hosting, and other services are handled on the server-side.

React JS Requires Expert Knowledge

Working with React JS requires advanced knowledge of JavaScript as well as other technologies associated with developing front-end user interfaces. This can be difficult and time consuming for developers to learn. GitHub already has a comprehensive suite of tools and services that allow developers to collaboratively work on their projects. Therefore, it is not necessary to bring React JS into the mix in order to facilitate projects.
Another issue with React JS is that it is still relatively new, and as such, requires a significant amount of ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that it works with newer technologies. This can be especially tricky when working with a complex platform such as GitHub. React JS would also require other resources such as developer tools and libraries which may not be easily accessible.
In conclusion, there is no real need for GitHub to use React JS as it already has a working suite of tools and services to offer developers. Additionally React JS is a front-end technology, while GitHub operates primarily at the back-end. Furthermore, React JS requires a significant amount of expertise and maintenance in order to properly use. All things considered, it is understandable why GitHub may have opted to forego using React JS.

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Ending the article with a powerful thought-provoking question is a great way to get your readers thinking. In this case of the topic, why doesn’t GitHub use React JS, it begs the question of what would using React JS provide to GitHub users that they currently don’t have? It is also an interesting question to consider when looking at how React JS has progressed over the past few years, becoming one of the industry’s leading development tools for modern web and mobile application development.
To learn more about this topic and what other developers and software professionals have to say, we invite you to join our blog and stay up to date with our latest releases. Here, we explore the why and the how of software development, and the many benefits that modern tools can bring to the table.
Finally, let’s take a look at some of the key questions that may arise around this discussion:
What is the primary benefit to using React JS? Using React JS has many advantages, not least of which is the support for components, which makes the code more modular and flexible. Additionally, there is support for server-side rendering, allowing developers to load content quickly on the web page.
What makes React JS a suitable choice for GitHub? React JS is a great choice for GitHub due to its scalability and wide range of libraries and tools available. Additionally, its fast rendering time and other essential features make React JS an ideal choice for developing powerful user interfaces.
What other tools does Github currently use? Github utilizes a wide range of development tools, such as its own Github Actions, as well as tools like Angular, jQuery, and Node.js.
Is React JS the best choice for the GitHub platform? It depends on the specific needs of the project, but React JS is a great choice due to its scalability, user-friendly components, and range of libraries and tools available.
What makes React JS different from other web development tools? React JS stands out from other tools due to its virtual DOM which allows developers to make updates without needing to rerender the entire page, as well as its component-based architecture which allows code to be quickly and easily updated.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use React JS as part of GitHub’s development process will depend on its suitability to the specific needs of the project. However, it is a great choice of tool due to its scalability and range of powerful features available to developers.