
ReactJS Website Development


Can we use ReactJS without a back end?

Can web applications be built without a back end? The answer may surprise many, but it’s a resounding yes! ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that enables web developers to create stand-alone single page applications. So what does this mean…

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How does ReactDOM.render() work?

What is ReactDOM.render() and how is it beneficial? How does it help improve the development process? What is the best way to incorporate the render function? ReactDOM.render() is a method used to render Javascript components on the page. It helps…

Is ReactJS a good first Javascript framework for a beginner?

Javascript is one of the most sought after programming languages, making it a great starting point for web development. But even amongst the plethora of frameworks out there, nobody’s quite sure which one to start with. With ReactJS growing in…

What’s the best way to style React components?

Styling React components has become an essential part of web and app development. With the explosion of mobile devices and components, React has become an important tool for developers to create user interfaces for different platforms. But what is the…

How does React JS compare to Angular 2?

It’s no secret that two of the most popular frameworks in web development are React JS and Angular 2. But how do they compare to each other? What benefits does each offer, and what drawbacks should developers keep in mind…

How Facebook use Reactjs when it’s written entirely in PHP?

You should use them as starting points for writing. Today, Facebook stands out for its innovation and experimentation. A major part of how it does this is through its open-source projects, such as ReactJS, which allows users to create powerful,…

Why should we use super() in React.js?

In the ever-expanding realm of React.js, the use of super() is a hotly debated issue. What are the benefits of utilizing super()? Could it cause problems for developers, or is it a must-have component of any excellent React.js project? How…