
ReactJS Website Development

Month: October 2022

How do you create a new React app using NPM?

Creating a new React application is a great way to get started with modern web development. But, where do you begin? What components are needed to create a React application? How can you get your project up and running quickly…

How does one make a component private in ReactJS?

When creating a ReactJS web application, developers are often confronted with the question: how to make a component private? This question poses a difficult decision for many, as the choice to keep a component private or open to public use…

What does it mean when they say that React is lightweight?

Have you ever heard about the concept of React being “lightweight” but can’t quite put your finger on what that means? How does one actually measure the lightness of any technology? What advantages would that give to users? Lightweight technology…

Which library can beat ReactJS?

Should developers give up ReactJS in favor of other libraries? Can ReactJS really be out competed? Is there an alternative capable of providing a similar set of features? These three questions are constantly at the forefront of the front-end development…

How did React.js get so popular while being complicated?

What is it that enabled React.js to surge in popularity? How does it manage to be both capable and complex? How does React.js compare to other front-end frameworks? These questions are worth exploring as React.js has become increasingly popular and…

What are the best customizable React component libraries?

Today, web developers often find themselves on a hunt for robust and reliable components that they can easily customize to their needs. But with so many React component libraries out there, it can be hard to find the right one….

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What is the build time for ReactJS?

Using ReactJS to build applications can provide a responsive UI and quick development time. Depending on the complexity of the application, the build time will vary. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of a ReactJS build time…

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How can I use React front-end with a PHP backend?

How can our web applications run smoothly and effectively when utilizing different types of technology as a front-end and backend? Can React, a popular user interface library, be used in synergy with the scripting language PHP to develop web applications?…

How should I use React JS?

Be creative and show original language. Are you curious about React JS? How it works, and why it’s so popular? What are the benefits of using it? As a JavaScript-based library, React JS has become increasingly popular among web developers…

How popular is React JS?

How popular is React JS? Do developers prefer this framework to its popular competitors or are they exploring for something new? Is React JS beneficial to use in modern web development? These questions, and more, are the focus of this…

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